It is for this reason that as in previous years our hotel has been pioneered and distinguished itself in the areas of eco-sustainability and energy saving along with environmental protectionso much so that since the early 2000s it has been the first Hotel to install a zero emission hydrogen combustor, patented by Giacomini Spa, which in 2006 obtained and was a study centre for the law on energy saving buildings, so much so that it was the first building at a national level to obtain this certificate.
In 2006 our structure was also the subject of a visit from the 12 ministers of the European Parliament whereas then on behalf of the property still in the hands of the families Giacomini had become example real rather than 50 technological patents of 50 Italian companieswhich produce in Italy, in the field of energy saving and eco-sustainable building and hotel services as well as representing a historical excursus of Italian design from '59 to the present day of the main Italian brands known throughout the world, such as Poltrona Frau, Cassina, Minotti, Fontana Arte, Floss, Via Bizzuno with objects by famous artists such as Joe Ponti, Le Corbusier, Arch. Botta and many others.
Today again in a period like this of social and sanitary attention that also brings everyone back to the attention to the pollution of our Planet and to the repercussions of this on the common living, faithful to our DNA and to our historical mission we see the opportunity to show, as explained above, how to be also a real showcase of sanitary attention, a showcase for as many excellences in this field, as well as of attention to the environment so much that in this season the hotel management is pleased to communicate that we are the first hotel structure to offer inside the ancient village of the Convent a recharge Repowertechnically known as stakefor the cars electric and that she has a fully electric zero emission mini van serving customers as well as using totally renewable electricity.